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Fresno State Transportation Institute

Caltrans Grant Surveys


Thank you for participating! Researchers at Fresno State’s Transportation Institute and the University of Colorado Denver need your help.

They are working on a Caltrans Sustainable Communities grant awarded to Fresno Council of Governments to implement a pilot novel program called Business Commute Optimization System (BCOS) www.commuteopt.comBCOS aims to optimize commute trips by providing travelers with information about the footprints of their existing commutes as well as possible alternative footprints using other transportation modes. 

You have a chance to win one of 10- $100 gift cards for your participation in these surveys! 
All surveys must be complete by Friday, May 31. 
Drawing will be held on Monday, June 3. All winners will be emailed. 

Follow the steps below:  

Fill-out two short surveys that collect information about your commute preferences and behavior (estimated time: 10 minutes):

  1. To fill out the first two surveys, please create a regular account on “”
  2. Then, navigate to the “commute needs survey tab” on the left panel and fill out your commute needs. Alternatively, follow instructions outlined here:
  3. Both surveys must be complete by Friday, May 31.  

    Alternatively, follow instructions outlined here:
  • You will receive an email once your recommended commute plan is available on the website by June 10. To check your recommended commute plan, please access the website using your credentials and navigate to recommended commute plan tab on the left panel. 
  • You will also receive information about your existing commute cost and footprint, as well as recommendations for alternative commute methods and their associated costs and footprints.

For technical questions, please contact: Nicholas Yanes ( or Shahryar Monghasemi (