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Fresno State Transportation Institute



FSTI is pleased to announce that Dr. Maryam Nazari’s research assistant (undergraduate) student, Mr. Faiaz Rahman, was awarded the Outstanding Oral Presentation in Engineering at the 40th Central California Research Symposium (CCRS) this year. He presented the FSTI Project at CCRS. Very well done!


FSTI is pleased to have Dr. Shahab Tayeb working on the security of connected and autonomous vehicles project! To read more about his research and achievements please click here


The Fresno State Transportation Institute supported a pilot study the “Fresno State Transportation Challenge” with an innovation grant to test ways to do outreach in schools and engage the community. We brought university engineering students to collaborate with K-8 students on a project about a transportation-related issue. The goal is for the kids to learn about transportation, about transportation-related careers, and practice their 21st century skills by solving a transportation related issue in their community. We brought in university engineering students to support the K-8 students in their work on the transportation-related project. We taught them an agile mindset and eduScrum to solve complex issues, and then apply it to improve their community. The project members worked with the students over a time span of 8 weeks and the culminating event was the presentation of their work to the community to advocate for the needs of children and to present their work at Fresno State to other researchers supported by the Fresno State Transportation Institute.