Lyles College of Engineering
1. Woonki Na and Bei Gou, “A PEM Fuel Cell Temperature Controller Design using a Thermal Equivalent Circuit Model ,” International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4, 2012
2.Woonki Na, T. Kim, and S. Kwak, “Light Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Predictive Controllers,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 60, Issue 1, 2011, Pages: 87-97.
3. Woonki Na, B. Gou, and T. Kim, “Analysis and Control of a Bidirectional DC/DC Converter for an Ultra-Capacitor in a Fuel Cell Generation System,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, Theory and Application, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. 72-78, 2010.
4. Woonki Na and Bei Gou, "Feedback Linearization Based Nonlinear Control for PEM Fuel Cells, "IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, 2008, Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2008 Pages: 179 – 190.
5. Woonki Na and Bei Gou, "Nonlinear Control of PEM Fuel Cells by Exact Linearization," IEEE Transaction on IAS (Industrial Application Systems),Volume 43, Issue 6, November - December 2007 Pages: 1426 - 1433.
6. Woonki Na and Bei Gou, "Efficient and Economic Design of PEM Fuel Cell Systems by Multi- objective Optimization," Journal of Power Sources, Volume 166, Issue 2, 15 April 2007, Pages 411-418.
Bei Gou, Woonki Na, and Bill Diong“Fuel Cells: Modeling, Control and Application.” A book in the Power Electronics Series, which was published by CRC press in June. 2009.
1. Woonki Na, and Renee Kohl, “Sliding Mode Control of a Power Factor Corrected Converter for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” accepted for 2012 IEEE IECON(Industrial Electronics Society Conference) , Oct. 25-28, 2012, Montreal, Canada.
2.Woonki Na and Hoon Lee, "Sliding Mode Control Design of Current- Fed Full Bridge DC to DC Boost Converter in Fuel Cell Applications," was accepted for 2011 IEEE PECI(Power and Energy Conference at Illinois) held from Feb.25 through 26, 2011 in Urbana-Champaign, IL. USA.
3.Woonki Na, “Ripple Current Reduction using Multiphase Sliding Mode Control For Fuel Cell DC to DC Converter Applications,” was accepted for 2011 IEEE VPPC (Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference) from Sept. 6-9, 2011 in Chicago, IL, USA.
4. Woonki Na "A Feedforward Controller for a Brushless Excitation System during the Open Circuit Diode Fault Operation," was accepted for 2011 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, held from July 24 through July 29, 2011 in Detroit, MI, USA.
5. Woonki Na and Bei Gou, "Analysis and Control of Bidirectional DC/DC Converter for PEM Fuel Cell Applications," presented at 2008 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, held from July 20 through July 24, 2008 in Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
6. Woonki Na and Bei Gou, "A Thermal Equivalent Circuit for PEM Fuel Cell Temperature Control Design, " accepted to present at 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, from May 18 through May 21, 2008 in Seattle, WA, USA.