The Advising Center provides support to students with:
- General Education Requirements
- Class recommendations and registration
- Roadmaps & course planning
- Understanding and assisting with My Degree Plans & Degree Progress Reports (DPR)
- Assistance with filing petitions and forms
- Academic Probation & Disqualification Policies
- Understanding University Policies & Procedures
- Help students develop effective learning strategies
- Referrals to other campus resources
Learn more about Academic Advising in the Lyles College of Engineering and meet our Advising Team.
The LCOE Advising Center offers both in-person and virtual services. We are committed
to supporting you and meeting your advising needs.
Reasons to meet with us for an appointment:
- Create a graduation plan/My Degree Plan (MDP)
- Update a My Degree plan (MDP)
- Required Academic Probation Appointment (Hold)
- Change of Major/Minor Exploration and Form Completion
- Academic/Personal Support
Schedule an appointment
The LCOE Advising Center offers Drop–in Advising every Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m.
and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. conducted via Zoom and In-Person during the Fall and Spring
Reasons to meet with us for Drop-in Advising:
- Graduation checks
- Class registration questions
- Academic/Personal Support
- Any other quick questions
In-Person Drop-Ins: Engineering East RM 243
Students may utilize the Kiosk to check in upon arrival if there is no one at the
front desk
Zoom Drop-Ins:
Students will be admitted into the Zoom meeting to be checked in by a staff member
and then returned to the waiting room. They will be admitted back into the Zoom session
to meet with a counselor as they become available and assigned to a breakout room.
Join our Virtual Drop-in Advising
Please Note: Drop-in Advising is limited to 10-15 minutes per student and held on a first-come,
first-serve basis and wait times may vary. We appreciate your patience in advance.
Before joining the Zoom session, make sure you have access to a computer with an enabled
Once we reach the maximum capacity of students, we will LOCK the Zoom meeting. Please
try logging back in for the following drop-ins time frame, or within 20-30 minutes.
Please Note: Advising Holds may have different requirements per college. This provides
instructions for students in the Lyles College of Engineering.
Hold |
Description |
How to Clear the Hold |
LCOE Hold |
All First-Time-Freshmen (FTF) students will have a “LCOE Hold” on their student portal.
This hold prevents students from dropping their ENGR 1, CM 1, or ARCH 1 first semester major course. |
The hold will be removed after the 20th day of instruction (Census date). If you are
hoping to switch majors outside of the Lyles College of Engineering (LCOE), please
meet with an advisor in order to have the hold removed and discuss change of major
process and options. |
2nd Semester Freshman Advising Hold |
All freshmen are required to have an academic advising session their 2nd semester at Fresno State, before registering for their following semester courses. |
After the 20th day of instruction a registration hold will be placed on your student
center as a reminder to meet with your assigned Faculty Advisor. |
1st Semester Transfer Hold |
All transfer students are required to have an academic advising session during their
first semester before registering for the following semester. |
After the 20th day of instruction, a registration hold will be placed on your student
center as a reminder to meet with your assigned Faculty Advisor. |
Academic Probation Reg Hold |
Undergraduate students whose GPA falls below a 2.0 will be required to have academic
advising to discuss the requirements needed to maintain enrollment at Fresno State. |
A hold will be placed on the student center as a reminder to complete the required
advising. Please contact the LCOE Advising Center to schedule an appointment. |
ASC Probation Hold (Academic Success Coaching) |
First-time freshman students (0-29 units earned) who have been placed on Academic
Probation will need to meet with Academic Success Coaching. |
The Academic Success Coaching staff will reach out and provide information on how to fulfill this requirement. |
Mandatory Advising Hold |
All Students must meet with their advisor before completing 60 units. |
A hold will be placed on the student center as a reminder to meet with their assigned
Faculty Advisor. |
Advising Hold (Department) |
Advising is mandatory in the Lyles College of Engineering. A registration hold will
be placed on students who fail to see their advisor at least once per academic year. |
A hold will be placed on the student center as a reminder to meet with their assigned
Faculty Advisor. |
Super Senior Hold |
Students who have earned over 130 units may have this hold. |
A hold will be placed on the student center as a reminder to meet with their assigned
Faculty Advisor. |
Immunization Requirement |
All incoming students will need to submit proof of immunizations and a TB Screening
Questionnaire in accordance with CSU Executive Order 803. |
If you have any questions, contact the Student Health and Counseling Center at (559) 278-2734. |
Violence Awareness Training |
All students enrolled in courses at Fresno State are required to take Title IX online
training every academic year. |
Failure to complete the training by the deadline will result in a hold on your student
account and access to your student portal will be blocked. Click here to complete the training. |
Financial Obligation Hold |
You have an outstanding balance on your account. |
If you have any questions regarding your account, call Student Accounts at (559) 278-2876. |
Admitted Students:
Congratulations on your admission to Fresno State! We hope you accept your admissions
offer and join the Lyles College of Engineering!
As required for all incoming students, you must register for and attend Dog Days Orientation before registering for courses. During this orientation you will be attending various
presentations and receive academic/major advising.
We will be offering Virtual Pre-Dog Days Workshops where we will go over important
information to help you prepare for dog Days and answer other questions you may. They
will be held on June 3rd and 5th from 12:00-1:00pm and 4:00-5:00pm. Visit the Dog Days website for the calendar and zoom details. We ask students to not request appointments before
they attend Dog Days; we will be providing further information during our presentation
during Dog Days.
For any questions about your admission status or document submissions please contact
the Admissions Office.
Prospective Students:
We are excited that you are interested in Fresno State and being part of the Lyles
College of Engineering! We welcome you to visit our college to learn more about our
programs, talk to our faculty, students and staff, and tour our facilities.
For more information, please contact our Student Recruitment Coordinator:
Richard Partida
Recruitment Counselor
Schedule an Appointment
For information about Admission Requirements and Application Deadlines please visit
the Admissions and Recruitment website.
Additional Information:
First-Time Freshman Applicants
First-Time Transfer Applicants
Returning Students