Lyles College of Engineering
Our Programs
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering includes the research, development, planning, design, construction, and maintenance associated with urban development, water supply, structures, energy generation and transmission, water treatment and disposal, and transportation systems. Civil engineers deal with the analysis, design, construction, function and safety of complex structures and systems including buildings, bridges, dams, pipelines, highways, and harbors, and is concerned with the protection of the public against natural hazards of earthquakes, floods, landslides, and fires.
Civil engineering graduates find intriguing work in the development of solutions to complex structural, geotechnical, environmental, water resource, and transportation problems to meet the needs of modern urban and rural society. At Fresno State, all the civil engineering faculty are registered civil engineers and bring professional experience and entrepreneurial thinking to the classroom. Our excellent laboratory facilities and cutting-edge technology, as well as paid internships and creative projects such as the concrete canoe competition, round out the exceptional learning environment.
Undergraduate and Graduate Civil Engineering degrees are offered.
Geomatics Engineering
Geomatics Engineering at CSUF is a special educational enterprise. Unique within California, this program is the first Geomatics Engineering (GME) degree program in the nation. The diverse student population enjoys superior job opportunities. Geomatics Engineering education provides graduates with a recession proof career. Nearly 500 graduates have negotiated this rewarding engineering program. One hundred percent job placement success and high starting salaries prove the value of this degree.
Geomatics Engineering at Fresno has a national reputation because: student jobs during
Summer and Winter breaks are easy to find; strong professional scholarship support
exists; the annual Fresno Geomatics Conference showcases the students, program, campus,
CSU and Fresno; the ForeSight! Newsletter is produced by the students and mailed to
over 6000 professionals nationwide; continued ABET Engineering Accreditation; State
Board of Registration for Land Surveying approval; superior laboratory equipment is
available for use in conjunction with modern course work; active SE student groups
(SPSA, ACSM, ASPRS and CLSA) link students to the Geomatics Profession; and meaning
ful research activities support the program.
An exceptional array of new equipment is available to facilitate the laboratory learning experience. This equipment includes: Computer Mapping & GIS Systems, GPS Receivers, Electronic Total Stations, Data Collection Systems, Analytical Stereo-Plotters, Scanners, Computer Workstations, Digitizers and Color Printers.
What Students Can Do
In an exciting professional arena with expanding applications, geomatics engineers manage the global spatial infrastructure by designing, creating, developing, and maintaining Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS) applications and real property boundaries.
Through coursework and a guaranteed full-time summer program, our students gain valuable experience. This facilitates placement into high demand professional careers. Many faculty are licensed professionals, faculty regularly employ geomatics students on exciting imaging, positioning and measuration research projects.
A Bachelor of Science degree is offered.