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Lyles College of Engineering


Internships and cooperative experiences are highly encouraged in the Lyles College of Engineering. Numerous local, regional, national and international companies offer internship and co-op opportunities to our students.

The Valley Industry Partnership for Cooperative Education, VIP Program, was formed in 1999 by the Valley's leading employers for the benefit of students enrolled in the Lyles College of Engineering at California State University, Fresno. The VIP program provides internship opportunities for students in the Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Engineering programs.

Click here for a direct link to the Valley Industry Partnership for Cooperative Education.

The regional Manufacturing, Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Geomatics Engineering, and Technology firms also provide numerous opportunities for our students.

For more information on opportunities in your major, contact the following individuals:

Dr. Riadh Munjy, Chair, Department of Civil & Geomatics Engineering
Dr.Fayzul Pasha, Coordinator, Civil Engineering
Dr. Wei Wu, Chair, Construction Management
Dr. Reza Raeisi, Chair, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dr. The Nguyen, Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Walter Mizuno, Director, Valley Industry Partnership for Cooperative Education 


VIP Logo

Click for more information

Benefits for Students

• Getting paid a competitive salary for your engineering work. First time interns are paid $17 an hour, second time interns are paid $19 an hour.

• Great on-the-job work experience complements the knowledge you gain in the classroom. Returning to school after an internship often ignites your passion for learning.

• The VIP program is a structured, Lyles College of Engineering program which guarantees support from the companies and the College for you as a student.

• Firsthand knowledge of the Valley's leading employers will help guide you when making career choices.

• With the valuable work experience, you will be sought after as a graduating engineer in today's job market.