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Lyles College of Engineering

Foundations For Success

Foundations For Success (FFS) is a program tailored specifically for first-year LCOE students, designed to ease the transition into Fresno State and set the foundation for academic excellence and personal growth. It is the mission of Foundations For Success to foster an environment that promotes teaching excellence, student engagement, personalized advising, and mentorship to facilitate the academic and personal success of our students.


At Fresno State, first-year students will be automatically enrolled in a set courses for both fall and spring semesters. This streamlines registration and ensures enrollment in core classes crucial for degree completion, which aids first year students in staying on course towards graduation right from the start. LCOE first year students’ enrollment, will include a two-semester series of introductory courses that engage students in learning fundamental concepts and skills associated with either engineering or architecture and construction management; major-specific courses such as computer drafting, math, science, and general education courses. 

Engineering Students: ENGR 1 → CE 2/ME 2/ECE 1

ENGR 1: is a foundational course that serves as an introduction to engineering principles and practices. Following completion of ENGR 1, students progress into specialized courses tailored to their engineering majors. 

CE 2: This section covers the development of engineers' technical writing and oral communication skills, graphical data presentation, interpretation of civil engineering documents, and review of essential mathematical concepts for calculations.

ME 2: Students acquire essential skills in basic analytical and design tools utilized in mechanical engineering, encompassing spreadsheet applications, data graphing, technical communication, programming concepts, and computer-aided design (CAD).

ECE 1: This course provides an introduction to electrical and computer engineering through hands-on exercises and projects, covering circuits, components, instrumentation, electronic prototyping, computer productivity tools, and troubleshooting of hardware and software.

Architectural Studies and Cosntruction Management Students: AS 1/CM 1 → AS 2/CM 2 

CM 1: offers a comprehensive overview of construction management and architectural studies, encompassing education, profession, industry introduction, career opportunities, leadership/personality assessment, sustainability, ethics, safety, community service, and university experience.

CM 2: provides an overview of architecture, engineering, and construction management professions, introducing the architecture and construction industries, and exploring architectural design, building materials, construction costs, and hands-on skill development through project-based learning.

Student Engagement: 

The Lyles College of Engineering (LCOE) Pathways Student Services offers comprehensive support to first-year students, guiding them through a range of events and initiatives tailored to their academic and professional journey. These services include engaging students in various activities, such as clubs, tutoring sessions, and presentations aimed at fostering their involvement and growth within the engineering community. Directed by Hernan Maldonado, recipient of the 2023 Fresno State Student Success Award, the Pathways program emphasizes hands-on experiences, industry exposure, and career development.  

Moreover, career enhancement workshops, industry visits, and field trips connect students with real-world applications of their degrees, while scholarship opportunities and academic support services further bolster their success. Through a commitment to community building and professional growth, LCOE Pathways Student Services empowers students to excel in their academic and professional pursuits, ensuring they are well-equipped to navigate their chosen fields.

Pathways Student Services


First-year faculty advisors:

Lalita Oka
Dr. Lalita Oka
Associate Professor - Civil Engineering

Scott Peterson
Dr. Scott Peterson
Associate Professor - Geomatics Engineering

Dr. Weerasinghe
Dr. Ajith Weerasinghe
Associate Professor - Mechanical Engineering

Dr. McBee
Dr. Kerry McBee
Assistant Professor - Electrical & Computer Engineering

Loren Aiton
Loren Aiton
Lecturer - Construction Management/Architectural Studies

Lloyd Crask
Lloyd Crask
Lecturer - Construction Management



LCOE Advising Center


First-year students students enrolled in ENGR 1 and CM 1 will have the opportunity to connect with mentors within the same engineering and construction management fields. This mentorship program, spanning one academic year, benefits over 300 incoming first-year students by offering personalized guidance and career advice. Mentors, many whom are recent alumni familiar with Fresno State programs, engage with mentees through virtual or phone meetings, with at least two meetings per semester encouraged. This program aims to provide practical knowledge and insights from experienced industry professionals, tailored guidance aligned with students’ goals valuable feedback, and support.