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Lyles College of Engineering


On the Fresno State application, you will see and choose from all of the engineering majors offered at Fresno State. All first-year students who are admitted to Fresno State for civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, or mechanical engineering start in Pre-Engineering. Incoming first year students who have already completed all of the required Pre-engineering coursework, e.g. through Dual Enrollment, can work with the LCOE Advising Center to transition from Pre-Engineering to an engineering major. Note that Geomatics Engineering does not currently use the Pre-engineering program. Therefore, first year students admitted to Geomatics Engineering will have their major classified as Geomatics Engineering instead of Pre-Engineering. 

Changing major to Pre-Engineering is the starting point for first and Second year students at Fresno State who started as first time freshman (i.e. not as transfer students) and are interested in ultimately changing their major into Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering, but have not yet completed MATH 76, PHYS 4A, and their major’s introductory courses, which include ENGR 1 and either CE 2, ECE 1, or ME 2. First or second year students who have already completed these courses may be eligible to change major directly into Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering. Geomatics Engineering does not currently use the Pre-Engineering program. Therefore, students changing their major to Geomatics Engineering should change directly into Geomatics Engineering rather than first changing their major to Pre-Engineering.

Students who have attended Fresno State for more than two years or who are transferring from another college generally are not included in Pre-Engineering and should change their major directly into the engineering major they wish to pursue, provided they are eligible. Eligibility for changing majors directly into each of the engineering majors is stated on the LCOE Advising Center website.

Yes, while in the Pre-Engineering program, you should contact the LCOE Advising Center to let them know if you decide to pursue a different academic program than initially intended. It is important to do so as soon as possible so that you receive accurate academic advising and are block scheduled into the correct second-semester courses.

The general education courses included in the Pre-Engineering were selected because they are applicable to all majors using the Pre-engineering program. There are some major specific alternatives stated in the Pre-Engineering advising notes in the University Catalog, which students may choose to take. Students who take general education courses other than those stated in the required courses or advising notes may still submit the Request to Declare an Engineering Major form. However, their request will require special review by the program into which they are requesting to transition and will be approved or denied on a case by case basis.  

Generally, Pre-Engineering students must complete the Pre-Engineering requirements and transition into their chosen engineering major before they are eligible to take 100-level engineering courses. However, in the event that a Pre-Engineering student is advanced in their mathematics and engineering courses, yet has not completed all of the Pre-Engineering requirements, special permission to enroll in a 100-level engineering course can be granted by an Academic Advisor. Students who believe they are in this situation should contact their Academic Advisor.

Students will officially change their major to one of the majors utilizing pre-engineering, i.e. civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering, once they complete the required Pre-engineering courses by completing the Request to Declare an Engineering Major Form. Until that time, Pre-Engineering students will receive academic advising pertaining to the engineering major they selected on their application. At any time, students may contact the LCOE Advising Center staff to update their preferred major for advising purposes. 

Students must complete each of the required courses stated in the Pre-Engineering curriculum with a C with an overall 2.25 gpa. Once the courses have been completed, students will complete the Request to Declare an Engineering Major. Once the LCOE Advising Center verifies that the student has met the requirements to transition into their engineering degree program, the LCOE Advising Center will work with the Registrar’s Office to administratively change the student’s major. 

The Pre-Engineering program is designed to be completed in two semesters. Students who are not ready to enroll in calculus their first semester will take longer to complete the Pre-Engineering Program. Students are required to complete the pre-engineering program within the first two years of attending Fresno State (summer after second year included).