Construction Management
Student Clubs
The Construction Management department has many different clubs focusing on a variety of interests for students to join. Below are the clubs students can join. If you are interested in joining a club, applications are available outside of the Construction Management Department Office (EE 218).
Students In Construction (S.I.C.) was founded in 1975 to promote the study and advance the practice of construction among our students. We are the club for ALL construction students and clubs affiliated with national industry organizations. S.I.C. helps facilitate networking between the students and the industry and strives to offer opportunities for students outside of school like site visits, professional experiences, and internship opportunities. S.I.C. also intertwines fun by having exciting events and student gatherings on and off campus.
Sigma Lambda Chi (SLC) is an international construction honor society that recognizes the academic achievements of construction management major students. SLC is the only construction honor society in the world. The organization provides students with lifetime access to industry resources, connections, and community.
The Fresno State Student chapter, SLC Eta II, brings together the top performing students in the construction management department. The chapter organizes large department events such as the Annual Hogs Breath tailgate and the Annual CM Spring Banquet.
SLC Student Chapter Email:
The CMAA student chapter promotes the profession of construction management and furthers the students’ professional development through meetings, events, practical experiences, internships, education, and conferences. Our chapter’s main event is the annual golf tournament held in the end of the spring semester. We team up students and construction companies to play at the golf tournament and, providing a great opportunity to network. The CMAA student chapter is also a source of yearly scholarships and awarded by the host Regional Chapter. Being a CMAA student member is a great way to jump start your career!
The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) Student Chapter at Fresno State focuses on teaching its student members about the best practices for successful use of the design-build project delivery method. This is done primarily through involvement in the DBIA National Conference, DBIA National Competition, and the Design-Build ASC Student Competition. In addition to these events and other educational programs, the student chapter also provides student members with access to a career database and networking opportunities at both the National and Regional levels.
NAHB is a student affiliate of the National Association of Home Builders. This organization is focused on the residential sector of the construction industry. Membership in this club gives students the opportunity to network with residential industry professionals, the opportunity to compete in the student competition (which is based on a real life challenge in the residential production home building). Students also have the opportunity to attend the International Builder’s Show (IBS - which is one of the biggest construction industry shows in the country), and networking with fellow residentially-minded students. There are also opportunities for scholarships, internships, site tours, and undergraduate and post-graduate research.
The National Association of Women in Construction is the premier association for women working in the construction industry, NAWIC provides opportunities for construction businesses to foster a unique culture, develop their employees, and serve their communities. Membership provides access to industry speakers, job opportunities, educational support, and inter-organizational and interpersonal networking.
AGC is a central resource for training, learning, and sharing knowledge to the next generation of constructors. The AGC Fresno State Student Chapter introduces many opportunities to the students in building relationships with chapter members, networking, learning about the industry and ways to become a better leader. Our chapter provides the opportunity for students to attend networking events, board meetings, site visits, and fun events held by the student chapter.
Professional Industry Organizations
We strongly encourage all students and alumni to be involved in the industry. Below are some professional industry organizations that may be of interest.