Lyles College of Engineering

Riadh Munjy
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1979‑82, Ph.D., Civil Engineering.
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1980‑81, MS, Applied Mathematics.
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1978‑79, M.S.C.E., Civil Engineering.
University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq, 1972‑76, BS, Civil Engineering
Courses Taught
- CE 205. Computing in Engineering Analysis
- CE 285. Advanced Analytical Photogrammetry
- GME 34. Adjustment Computations
- GME 61. Microcomputers in Engineering
- GME 123. Stereo-Photogrammetry
- GME 125. Analytical Photogrammetry
- GME 126. Digital Mapping
- GME 135. Advanced Adjustment Computations
- Applications of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Best Practices and Case Studies, J.B. Sharma, sUAS Data Accuracy in Photogrammetric Workflows Chapter, Co-Author, 2020.
- Comparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Cloud to UAV-Derived Point Cloud, S. Peterson, J. Lopez, and R. Munjy, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume IV-2/W5, 2019.
- Mapping Accuracy Assessment of UAS Platforms, ASPRS Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, January 2019,
- Mapping Accuracy Assessment of UAS Platforms, TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2019.
- Rolling Shutter Effect Important In UAV Photogrammetry, LIDAR News, August 31, 2018,
- Caltrans UAS Research Project Update, TRB AFB80 Committee Summer Meeting, Sacramento, California, July 2018.
- Aerial Triangulation accuracy of Light Weight UAS Imagery, ASPRS Fall Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Nov. 2015.
- Simultaneous Adjustment of LIDAR Strips, Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, February 2015.
- Automatic Aerial Triangulation and Adjustment of Light Weight UAS Imagery, ASPRS 2014, Louisville, Kentucky, March 2014.
- Manual of Photogrammetry, Sixth Edition, Chapter 3, The Mathematics of Photogrammetry, Co-Author, ASPRS, 2013
- Automatic Tie Point Registration and Adjustment of Oblique Imagery, ASPRS 2012, Sacramento, CA , May 2012.
- LIDAR Intensity Images Balancing and Potentials, JAICE 2011 Conference, Boulder, Colorado, 2011.
- Simultaneous Adjustment of LIDAR Strips, ASPRS 2010, San Diego, CA May 2010.
- Proposed Standards for Block Configuration Airborne GPS GNSS Controlled Photogrammetry for Large Scale Corridor Mapping Projects, ASPRS 2010, San Diego, CA May 2010 ((With M. Hussain and Scott Rodrick).
- New Approach for Automatic Dodging of Push-broom Digital Aerial Imagery, ASPRS 2010, San Diego, CA May 2010 (With Q. Abdullah).
- Standards for Block Configuration Airborne GPS Controlled Photogrammetry for Large Scale Mapping Projects, Caltrans, Mar. 2010.
- Reliability of CORS-Based GPS Data for Highway Aerial Triangulation, ASPRS 2008 Annual Meeting, May 2008.
- GPS Photogrammetry, CLSA Annual Meeting, April 2007.
- Airborne GPS and Inertia in Support of Triangulation and Orientation of Airborne Framing and Push broom Sensors, Workshop, ASPRS Annual Meeting, May 2007.
- Three Dimensional Mosaicking of IFSAR DEM and Magnitude Data, ASPRS Annual Meeting, May 2007.
- Interformateric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR), Co-author, Chapter 6, Digital Elevation Model Technologies and Applications: The DEM User’s Manual, Second Edition, January 2007
- IFSAR Mosaicking Software, ASPRS Fall Meeting, Nov. 2006.
- Integration of a CCD Camera with a Laser Ranger for Precise Measurements in a Dynamic Environment, ASPRS Annual Meeting, Reno, 2006.
- Digital Photogrammetry, Caltrans, Dec. 2005
- Manual of Photogrammetry, Fifth Edition, Chapter 3, The Mathematics of Photogrammetry, Co-Author, ASPRS, 2004
- Evaluation of the GeoSAR X-Band IFSAR Digital Elevation Models (With M. Hussain and J. Reis), ASPRS, May 2003, Anchorage, Alaska
- Map Production and Information Extraction Using Radar "X" and "P" Band Source Data, ASPRS/MAPPS Conference, Denver, Colorado November 2002.
- Lessons Learned From Teaching Engineering Course on the Web, Presented Paper, ASEE/PSW, Conference, 2002.
- GeoSAR: a New Radar Interferometric Terrain Mapping System, Coauthor, XXVIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Maastricht, Netherlands, August 2002.
- Digital Elevation Model Technologies and Applications, The DEM User’s Manual, Chapter 6, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR),(With S. Hensley and P. Rosen), ASPRS, 2001
- SRTM Overview, San Joaquin Valley Arc View User Group, Fresno California, March 2000.
- Planning Strategies for a Duel-Sided Interferometric SAR Flights, presented paper, (with M. Hussain), ASPRS, Washington DC, May 2000.
- Interferometric Radar Mapping, CSUF Geomatics Engineering Conference, Fresno California, Jan. 2000.
- Strategy for Use of Airborne GPS Data for Corridor Mapping, (with M. Hussain and J. Appleton), ISPRS 2000, Amsterdam, Holland.
- Reliability of On The Fly Kinematic GPS Data for Aerial Triangulation, (with M. Hussain and J. Appleton), GPS/ION 2000, Salt Lake City, Sept. 2000.
- Foliage Penetrating Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar System, (with M. Hussain and J. Reis), ASPRS 2000, Washington DC, May 2000.
- Investigation of Procedures for Maximizing the Accuracy of Photogrammetric Pavement Elevations, (with M. Hussain), Final Project Report, New Technology & Research Program California Department of Transportation, October 1999, published report.
- GPS Controlled Photogrammetry For Large Scale Mapping, Final Project Report, New Technology & Research Program, California Department Of Transportation, April 1999. (With Dr. Mushtaq Hussain)
- The Potential of the GeoSAR Radar System in Digital Mapping, presented paper at the Annual Convention of the ASPRS, Portland, Oregon, May, 1999.
- GeoSAR: A Radar Terrain Mapping System for the New Millennium, T. Thompson1, J. van Zyl1, S. Hensley, K. Wheeler, R. Bartman, J. Reis, R. Munjy, J. Burton, R. Yoha, (invited paper), URSI 1999.
- Synthetic Aperture Radar: Potentials in GIS Applications, Presented Paper, ESRI 1998 User Conference, San Diego, California.
- Video Camera Calibration for Mapping, presented paper at the Annual Convention of the ASPRS, Tampa, Florida, April, 1998.
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Potentials in GIS, presented paper at the California GIS Conference, Visalia, California, February 1998.
- Sketch-First Modeling of Buildings from Video Imagery, Co-author, 1997 Image Understanding Workshop Proceedings, 325-337, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1997.
- Unconventional Mensuration System (UMENS), presented paper at the ASPRS Annual Convention, Seattle Washington, March 1997.
- Closed-Form Space Resection Using Photo Scale Variation, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXI, Part B5, Commission V, pp. 390-393, July 1996.
- The Current Practical Use of GPS in Photogrammetry, presented paper at the GIS in Action 95 of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, Portland, Oregon, May 1995.
- Relative Orientation Using Features, presented paper at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Reno, Nevada, March 1994.
- Photogrammetric Feature Intersection, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXIX, Part B3, Commission III, pp. 611-613, August 1992.
- Three Dimensional Accident Reconstruction Using a Single Photograph, presented paper at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Denver Colorado, March 1990.
- Total Station Survey System (TSSS) Software, Surveying and Mapping, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1989.
- Solution Vector Approximations for the Photogrammetric Simultaneous Bundle Adjustment Solution, presented paper at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, St. Louis Missouri, March 1988.
- Digital Terrain Modeling Using The Finite Element Approach, presented paper at the Fall Convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Reno, Nevada, October 1987.
- Contour Interpolation software on an IBM AT, Digital Terrain Modeling Workshop, University of Surry, England, April 1987.
- Calibrating Non Metric Cameras Using the Finite Element Method, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Journal, August 1986.
- Self-Calibration Using the Finite Element Approach, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No. 3, March 1986.
- Terrestrial Interactive Bundle Adjustment TRIBA Software for Small Computers, presented paper at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Washington D.C., March 1986.
- Auxiliary Storage Band Algorithm Approach for Solving Systems of Normal Equations in Photogrammetry, presented paper at the Annual Convention of The American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Washington D.C., March 1986.
- Stability of Fiducial Marks in Non metric Cameras, paper presented at the Annual Convention of The American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington D.C. , March 1985.
- Interactive Bundle Block Adjustment Software for Small Computers, presented paper at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington D.C., March 1985.
- Underwater Camera Calibration Using the Finite Element Method, Ocean Optics VII, Monterey, CA, June 1984.
- Calibrating Non metric Cameras Using the Finite Element Method. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington D.C. , March 1984.
- Camera Calibration Using the Finite Element Approach, paper presented at the Annual Convention of The American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington D.C. March 1983.
- Spatio Temporal Position from Mirror Images, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. XLVIII, No. 2 1983.
- Monitoring Structures by Photogrammetry, presented paper at the 22nd Annual Surveying and Photogrammetry Conference California State University, Fresno, 1983.
- The Application of Finite Element Method in photogrammetry, Ph.D. dissertation , University of Washington, 1982.
- Variation Techniques Applied to Digital Terrain Modeling, MS in Applied Mathematics Project, University of Washington, 1981.
- Monitoring Transmission Towers Under Static and Dynamic Loads Using Photogrammetry, Technical Report, 1980, University of Washington.
- Monitoring Structures by Photogrammetry Using Sequential and Simultaneous Adjustments, M.S.C.E. dissertation, University of Washington, 1979.
- Monitoring by Aerial and Terrestrial Photogrammetry, Final Technical Report, 1979, University of Washington.
- Accident reconstruction using photogrammetry
- Aerial Triangulation
- Close Range photogrammetry
- Digital terrain mapping
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Mapping sensors modeling and calibration
- Photogrammetric algorithm development
- Soft Copy Photogrammetry
- Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) mapping
- American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Fellow Award, 2020
- American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Fairchild Award, 2014.
- Caltrans Research Innovation Award, March 2004.
- Faculty Award for Research Excellence, School of Engineering, 2003
- Faculty Award for Research Excellence, School of Engineering, 2002
- School of Engineering Faculty Award for Research Excellence, 1998.
- School of Engineering Honored Faculty, 1997
- American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Meritorious Service Award, 1997
- Faculty Award for Research Excellence, School of Engineering, 1996
- American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Meritorious Service Award, 1992
- Halliburton Research Award, School of Engineering, 1992