Lyles College of Engineering

Wei Wu, Ph.D., Chair
Construction Management | 559.278.6011 | Office: EE217
- Ph.D., Design, Construction, and Planning, University of Florida, USA (2010)
- M.Sc., Environmental Change and Management, University of Oxford, UK (2005)
- B.Eng., Built Environment & Equipment Engineering, Hunan University, China (2004)
Courses Taught
Fall 2023 Office Hours:
T/TH, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Building Information Modeling
- Construction and Engineering Education
- Faculty Professional Development
- STEM Education Leadership
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles (2018 - Now)
- McCord, K. H., Ayer, S. K., Wu, W., Perry, L. A., London, J. S., & Kopitske, J. (2023). Using Augmented Reality to Simulate Authentic Learning Building Assessment and Construction Experiences. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 29(3).
- Elias, R., Issa, R. R. A., and Wu, W. (2022). “Progress on Building Information Modeling Education and Talent Acquisition.” International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 1-20.
- McCord, K. H., Ayer, S. K., Perry, L. A., Patil, K. R., London, J. S., Khoury, V., and Wu, W. (2022). “Student Approaches and Performance in Element Sequencing Tasks Using 2D and Augmented Reality Formats.” Education Sciences, 12(4).
- Zhang, Y., Xu, L., Wu, W., Gong, Z., Moud, H. I., and Luo, Z. (2021). “Ascertaining the Inconsistency of AEC Students’ Perceptions and Behaviors Regarding Sustainability by Mixed Methods.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24).
- McCord, K. H., Ayer, S. K., Lamanna, A. J., Eicher, M., London, J. S., and Wu, W. (2021). “Construction Education Needs Derived from Industry Evaluations of Students and Academic Research Publications.” International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 1-22.
- Wu, W., Sandoval, A., Gunji, V., Ayer, S. K., London, J., Perry, L., Patil, K., and Smith, K. (2020). “Comparing Traditional and Mixed Reality-Facilitated Apprenticeship Learning in a Wood-Frame Construction Lab.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(12).
- London, J., Lam, C., Borders, J., Perry, L., Ayer, S., & Wu, W. (2020). Experts’ and Novices’ Perspectives on the Priority of Affective Dimensions in Civil Engineering: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Engineering Education, 36(5), 1640-1651.
- Hartless, J. F., Ayer, S. K., London, J. S., and Wu, W. (2020). “Comparison of Building Design Assessment Behaviors of Novices in Augmented- and Virtual-Reality Environments.” Journal of Architectural Engineering, 26(2).
- Wu, W., Hartless, J., Tesei, A., Gunji, V., Ayer, S. K., and London, J. (2019). “Design Assessment in Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments: A Comparison of Novices and Experts.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(9): 04019049
- Barrows, M., Clevenger, C. M., Abdallah, M., and Wu, W. (2019). “Value of Certifications when Seeking Construction Employment.” International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 15(1), 1-19.
- Clevenger, C. M., Abdallah, M., Wu, W., and Barrows, M. (2019). “Assessing an Online Tool to Promote Sustainability Competencies in Construction Engineering Education.” J Prof Iss Eng Ed Pr, 145(1): 04018014.
- Wu, W., and Ye, L. (2018). “Analysis of BIM Development in American Construction Industry.” Construction Science and Technology, 373(23), 89-94.
- Wu, W., Mayo, G., McCuen, T. L., Issa, R. R. A., and Smith, D. K. (2018). “Building Information Modeling Body of Knowledge. I: Background, Framework, and Initial Development.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(8): 04018065.
- Wu, W., Mayo, G., McCuen, T. L., Issa, R. R. A., and Smith, D. K. (2018). “Building Information Modeling Body of Knowledge. II: Consensus Building and Use Cases.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(8): 04018066.
- Zhang, J., Wu, W., and Li, H. (2018). “Enhancing Building Information Modeling Competency among Civil Engineering and Management Students with Team-Based Learning.” ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 144(2): 05018001.
- Wu, W.*, Luo, Y., Castronovo, F., Liang, A., Gomez, F., Kassis, S., and Wolcott, A. (accepted, to be published in 2023). “Barriers and Pathways to Use Extended Reality in STEM Classrooms: Perspectives of Key Stakeholders,” Proceedings of 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction, Crete, Greece.
- Suwal, A., Wu, W.*, and Luo, Y. (accepted, to be published in 2023). “Comparing Collaborative Learning in Various Learning Modalities,” Proceedings of 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction, Crete, Greece.
- Mohammadiyaghini, E., Luo, Y.*, Wu, W., and Tehrani, F. (accepted, to be published in 2023). “Field Knowledge Transfer via Immersive Virtual Field Trips in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Education,” Proceedings of 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction, Crete, Greece.
- Perry, L., & London, J., & Ayer, S., & Wu, W., & McCord, K. (2022). “Assessing Head- Hand- and Heart-Related Competencies through Augmented-Reality.” Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.
- Smith, M., Wu, W., Luo, Y., and Randel, M. (2022). “Discussion of Tiny Home Inclusion as a Concentric Diversification Strategy in Production Home Building to Address Housing Crisis.” 6th Residential Building Design & Construction Conference, Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, Online.
- Luo, Y., Wu, W., Morales, G., and Mohammadiyaghini, E. (2022). “Immersive Virtual Field Trips with Virtual Reality in Construction Education: A Pilot Study.” 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference, T. Leathem, W. Collins, and A. Perrenoud, eds., Associated Schools of Construction, 614-623.
- McCord, K. H., Ayer, S. K., Patil, K. R., Wu, W., London, J. S., and Perry, L. A. (2022). “Full Scale Augmented Reality to Support Construction Sequencing Education Case Study.” Proc., Construction Research Congress 2022, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, Virginia, 21-30.
- Perry, L., London, J., Wu, W., Ayer, S., Smith, K., and Patil, K. (2020). “Leveraging Mixed Reality and the Three Apprenticeships Model to Facilitate & Assess Authentic Learning Experiences for Civil Engineering Students.” 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE, Uppsala, Sweden, 1-4.
- Wu, W., and Loza, R. (2020). “Exploring the Cost Benefit of Building Information Modeling Implementation in Metal Stud Framing - A Central Valley Specialty Contractor’s Perspective.” Proc., Construction Research Congress 2020, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 823-31.
- Patil, K., Ayer, S., Wu, W., and London, J. (2020). “Mixed Reality Multimedia Learning to Facilitate Learning Outcomes from Project Based Learning.” Proc., Construction Research Congress 2020, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
- Wu, W., Manying Chen, Yuanxin Zhang, and Yuan Chang. (2019). “Manage the Costs of Prefabricated Concrete Buildings: Project Stakeholders’ Perspective.” Proc., The International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) World Building Congress 2019 – Constructing Smart Cities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- London, J. S., Ayer, S. K., Wu, W., and Lam, C. K. (2019). “Board 92: Using Mixed Reality and the Three Apprenticeships Framework to Design Head-, Hand- and Heart-focused Learning Experiences for Civil Engineering Students.” Proc., 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE, Tampa, Florida, June 15-19, 2019.
- Luo, Y., Polgar, S., and Wu, W. (2019). “Design for Homeless (DfH): A capstone experience.” Proc., 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Tampa, FL, June 15-19, 2019.
- Hartless, J., Borders, J., Lam, C., Ayer, S. K., London, J., and Wu, W. (2018). “A New Approach to Testing Augmented- and Virtual-Reality to Support Tacit Knowledge Generation in Design Assessment.” CONVR2018 Evolving Construction: Towards a technological revolution, R. Amor, and J. Dimyadi, eds., University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 256-265.
- Wu, W., Clevenger, C., and Abdallah, M. (2018). “Emerging Faculty Role in Open Digital Learning.” 13th BIM Academic Symposium, Academic Interoperability Coalition, Las Vegas, NV, 2-10.
- Wu, W., Tesei, A., Ayer, S. K., London, J., Luo, Y., and Gunji, V. (2018). “Closing the Skills Gap: Construction and Engineering Education Using Mixed Reality – A Case Study.” Proc., 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE, 1-5.
- Wu, W., and Luo, Y. (2018). “Technological and Social Dimensions of Engaging Lower Division Undergraduate Construction Management and Engineering Students with Experiential and Project Based Learning.” Proc., Construction Research Congress 2018, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 97-107.
- Mayo, G., Wu, W., McCuen T., Issa, R.R.A, and Smith, D. (2018). “Implementation of the BIM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Framework for Program Planning in Academia.” Proc., 12th BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2-10.
- Martek, I., Wu, W., Oraee, M., and Hosseini, M. R. (2021). “Educating the “T-shaped” BIM professional: Lessons from academia.” BIM Teaching and Learning Handbook: Implementation for Students and Educators, M. R. Hosseini, F. Khosrowshahi, A. A. Aibinu, and S. Abrishami, eds., Routledge, New York, NY, 247-61.
- Wu, W., Mayo, G. K., McCuen, T. L., Issa, R. R. A., and Smith, D. K. (2021). Developing BIM Talent: A Guide to the BIM Body of Knowledge with Metrics, KSAs, and Learning Outcomes, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
- Wu, W., and Issa, R.R.A. (2015). “An Integrated Green BIM Process Model (IGBPM) for BIM
Execution Planning in Green Building Projects.” In: Building Information Modeling:
Applications and Practices, Issa and Olbina (Eds.), ASCE, Reston, Virginia.

- PI, National Science Foundation, 2023, "MCA: Support Engaging and Inclusive STEM Education with Extended Reality (SEISE-XR)," Awarded: $345,237.
- PI, National Science Foundation, 2021, “Collaborative Research: HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Supporting Active Learning in Introductory STEM Courses with Extended Reality (ALIS-XR),” Awarded: $645,054.
- PI, National Science Foundation, 2017, “EXP: Collaborative Research: Mixed Reality to Cultivate Apprenticeship Learning for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction,” Awarded: $139,365.