Lyles College of Engineering
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- Construction Management
- Manideep Tummalapudi

Manideep Tummalapudi
Assistant Professor
Construction Management | 559.278.4502 | Office: EE245B
M.S., Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Bradley University, USA
B.Tech., Department of Civil Engineering, GITAM University, India
Courses Taught
CM 20. Construction Documents
CM230. Advanced Construction Operations
Dr. Manideep Tummalapudi, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Construction Management at California State University, Fresno. Mani holds an interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree in construction management and education sciences from Colorado State University, master’s degree in civil engineering from Bradley University, and bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from GITAM University, India. Before earning his doctorate, Mani worked in the construction industry in roles ranging from construction intern to project manager for more than a dozen construction projects – in the US and India. He provides consulting services to various construction firms in the areas of sustainability, learning and development, and workforce development.
Dr. Tummalapudi’s research focuses on construction finance, transportation construction, construction workforce development, construction education, and emerging technologies in construction. Further, Dr. Tummalapudi is currently exploring the use of artificial intelligence for various applications in the construction industry.
Construction Workforce Development
Emerging Technologies in Construction
Construction Education
- First Place - Best Research Poster Award, 101st Annual Transportation Research Board Conference; 2022
- Outstanding Construction Management Graduate Student Award, Colorado State University; 2022
- Outstanding Young Professional Award, American Society of Civil Engineers - Construction Institute; 2021
- People's Choice Award, Colorado State University Research Demo Day; 2021
- National Scholarship Award, Construction Management Association of America; 2020
- Youth Delegate at the United Nations Youth Assembly; 2019
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Malla, V., Tummalapudi, M., & Delhi, V. S. K. (2024). Perceptions of Built-Environment Professionals on Using ISO 19650 Standards for Information Management. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 16(1), 04523045.
- Tummalapudi, M., Harper, C. M., Elliott, J., Tran, D., & Hoyne, D., (2023). Recruitment and Retention of Transportation Construction Inspection Staff. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (Under review)
- Suruboyina, D., Tummalapudi, M., Harper, C. M., & Elliott, J., (2023). Responsibilities and Technical Competencies for Transportation Infrastructure Construction Inspection. Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction (Under review)
- Tummalapudi M, Harper C, Taylor TRB, Waddle S, Catchings R., (2022) Causes, Implications, and Strategies for Project Closeout Delays in Highway Construction. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. April 2022.
- Tummalapudi, M., Killingsworth, J., Harper, C. M., and Mehany, M.H., (2021). " U.S. Construction Industry Managerial Strategies for Economic Recession and Recovery – A Delphi Study,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, 147(11), 04021146,
- Tummalapudi M. and Vasudeva Rao R. (2012). “Performance of Rice Husk Ash Concrete at Elevated Temperatures,” International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 0974-5904, Vol 05, No. 03 (01), pp 630-643.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Killingsworth, J., Besiktepe, D., & Tummalapudi, M. (2023). Open-Resource Examination: Merits of an Alternate Approach to Student Assessment. Proceedings of 59th Annual Associated Schools, 4, 223-233.
- Tummalapudi, M., Doke, N., Gunderson, D., & Malla, V. (2023). Why are tradeswomen leaving the construction industry: An Exploratory Study. Proceedings of 59th Annual Associated Schools, 4, 444-452.
- Gunderson, D.E., Tummalapudi, M., Doke, N., & Malla, V. (2023). Factors Contributing to Success: Self-Performing Framing and Drywall Scopes on a Construction Project. Construction in the 21st Century 13th Annual International Conference. Arnhem, Netherlands.
- Prakash, S. V., Clevenger, C., & Tummalapudi, M. (2022). Unmanned Aerial Systems in the US Construction Industry: Exploratory Study on Current State of Practice. EPiC Series in Built Environment, 3, 479-487.
- Tummalapudi, M., Burgoon, J., Besiktepe, D.K., & Killingsworth, J. (2022). Impacts of Covid-19 on the U.S. Construction Industry. International Project and Construction Management Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Tummalapudi, M., Harper, C. M., & Killingsworth, J. (2022). Exploratory Study on Applications, Benefits and Challenges of Data Analytics in Construction. Construction Research Congress 2022: American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Tummalapudi, M., Killingsworth, J., & Harper, C. M. (2020). Evaluation of Construction Surety Bonding Criterion for Changing Economic Conditions. In Construction Research Congress 2020: Project Management and Controls, Materials, and Contracts (pp. 535-544): American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Tummalapudi, M., Harper, C. M., & Killingsworth, J. (2020). Construction Surety Bonding Criteria: The US Perspective. EPiC Series in Built Environment, 1, 338-346.
- Kim, S., S. Kim, H. Seo, and Tummalapudi, M. (2017). Investigation of small-scale CAES (compressed air energy storage) pile as a foundation system. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 280, 103-112, Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, Orlando, FL, USA
Peer-Reviewed Research Reports
- Harper, C. M., Elliott, J., Goodrum, P., & Tummalapudi, M., (2023). Training and Certification of Construction Inspectors for Transportation Infrastructure. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
- Harper, C. M., Parajuli, M., Tummalapudi, M., Taylor, T. R., Waddle, S., & Catchings, R., National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2021). NCHRP Synthesis Report (570). Practices for Closing Out Highway Projects from Substantial Completion to Final Payment. Peer-Reviewed and Approved by the National Academy of Sciences.
Selected Grants
- Tummalapudi, M. (Principal Investigator). Strategic Approaches for Effective Implementation of Inspection Technologies for Construction and Maintenance of Bridges. Fresno State Transportation Institute (Awarded).
- Tummalapudi, M. (Principal Investigator). Early Building of Architectural & Construction Management Professionals as STEM Career Options. California Construction Employers Association (Awarded).
- Tummalapudi, M. (Principal Investigator). Open resource exam model integrating collaborative and problem-based learning in construction education. Associated Schools of Construction Region 6 & 7 Research Program (Awarded).
- Tummalapudi, M. (Co-Principal Investigator). Analysis of a Case Study to incorporate diversity on a construction job site. Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Education & Research Foundation (AGCERF) (Awarded). PI: Maria Calahorra-Jimenez; Co-PI: Sagata Bhawani; Industry Advisor: Jorge Quezada.
- Tummalapudi, M. (Principal Investigator). Cash Flow Management: Benchmarking Project Performance in Construction. Institute of Management Accounting (IMA) (Awarded). Co-PI: John Killingsworth
- Tummalapudi, M. (Research Assistant). NCHRP 20-06/Topic 25-06: Legal Issues and Strategies for Best-Value Procurement for Highway Construction. PI: Christofer M Harper
- Tummalapudi, M. (Research Assistant). NCHRP 23-05: Guidance for Training and Certification of Construction Inspectors for Transportation Infrastructure. PI: Christofer M Harper
- Tummalapudi, M. (Research Assistant). NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-17: Practices for Closing Out Highway Projects from Substantial Completion to Final Payment. PI: Christofer M Harper
- Tummalapudi, M. (Research Assistant). NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-02: Emerging Technologies for Construction Delivery. PI: Christofer M Harper
Media Spotlight
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- Doctoral student recognized by two industry organizations for his passion, dedication, and commitment
- Construction Management doctoral student attends United Nations Youth Assembly
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