Civil Engineering
Red Tag Safety Certification
Civil Engineering Laboratories
The Civil Engineering Program provides students and faculty with excellent laboratories. The main laboratories are, Environmental, Hydraulics, Structural Analysis, Materials Testing, Structural Testing, and Geotechnical.
EE102 Geotechnical Lab
EE102 Checklists, Forms, and Manuals
Department Lab Safety Plan
EE104 Materials Testing Lab
EE104 Checklists, Forms, and Manuals
Department Lab Safety Plan
EE185 Structural Lab
Department Lab Safety Plan
EE185 Checklists, Forms, and Manuals
Department Hoist Safety Plan
EE186 Environmental Lab
Department Lab Safety Plan
EE189 Transportation Lab
Department Lab Safety Plan
EW136 Water Qualities Lab
Department Lab Safety Plan
Department Chemical Safety Plan
EW122 Hydraulics Lab
Department Lab Safety Plan