Civil Engineering
Fayzul Pasha, Ph.D., P.E.
Civil Engineering Program Coordinator
Office: Engineering East 174
Phone: 559.278.2464
Mailing Address: 2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94
Fresno, CA 93740-8030
More Information about Dr. Pasha:
Undergraduate Courses
- CE 110: Computer Applications in Civil Engineering
- CE 128: Civil Engineering Hydraulics
- CE 129: Engineering Hydraulics Lab
- CE 141: Water Resources Engineering
- CE 191T: Essential Tools in Water Resource Engineering
Graduate Courses
- CE/ENGR 205: Computing in Engineering Analysis
- CE 210: Research Methods in Civil Engineering
- CE 291T: Water Resources Systems Optimization
Water Resources Engineering
- Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, 2006.
- M.S., Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, 2003.
- B.S., Civil Engineering (with Honors), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 1998.
Honors & Awards:
- Excellence in Research Award, Lyles College of Engineering, California State University, Fresno, January, 2016.
- Provost Award, Promising New Faculty, California State University Fresno, May 2014.
- Project Award, New Stream-Reach Development, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 2014.
- Recognized by Water Resources and Policy Initiatives, January, 2015.
- Research Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 2011 – Aug 2012.
- Research and Teaching Assistantship, University of Arizona, 2002 - 2006.
- Research Scholarship for Pursuing MS, National University of Singapore, 2000 - 2002.
- Dean’s List, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 1993 - 1998.
Grants & Contracts:
- Principal Investigator and Project Director, “An Integrated Management Model to Operate a Farm at Peak Efficiency,” Agricultural Research Institute (ARI), California, $103,020.00, July 2016 – June 2019. (Awarded)
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Improving Management of Agricultural Energy and Water Use with Access to Improved Data.” Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), $74,999.00, June 2016 – December 2016. (Awarded).
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Smart Data Utilization in the Ag Field: A compare and Contrast Analysis,” Agricultural Research Institute (ARI), California, $72,946.00, July 2016 – June 2018. (Awarded)
- Principal Investigator and Project Director, “Power the Tower – Data Collection on Energy Usage.” Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) sponsored by City of Fresno District 1, California, $8,990.00, August 2016 – February 2017. (Awarded)
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Solar-Based Saline Water Reclamation Project - Literature Review.” City of Fresno, California, $49,000.00, May 2016 – December 2016. (Awarded)
- Principal Investigator and Project Director, “Closed Loop Water Management for the Status Evaluation of Irrigation Water and Energy Use.” Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), $104,102.00, July 2015 – June 2018. (Awarded)
- Supervisor, “Assessing the effect of salinity on crop yield through the use of irrigation and drainage model, CSUID” Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture through Water Resources Institute (WRI), $4,500.00, February, 2016 - January, 2017. (Awarded)
- Supervisor, “Development and Validation of a Water Balance Model for Smart Irrigation” Lyles College of Engineering APLU Research Project, $3,000.00, May, 2016 – August 2016. (Awarded)
- Principal Investigator and Project Director, “Analysis of Stream-Reach Discretization Resolution and Uncertainty in Hydropower Resource Assessment,” funded by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) through Oak Ridge National Laboratory managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, $62,017.00, August 2013 – August 2015. (Awarded)
- Principal Investigator and Project Director, “Assessment of Energy Potential from New Small Hydro Development in California,” funded by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) through Oak Ridge National Laboratory managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, $152,876.00, August 2012 – August 2015. (Awarded)
- Supervisor, “Development of a Mass Balance Model for On-Firm Drainage Management” submitted to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through Water Resources Institute (WRI), $4,500.00, April 2014 – April 2015. (Awarded)
- Principal Investigator and Project Director, “Master Drainage Study For Kearney Agriculture Research and Extension (KARE),” University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, The University of California, Davis, $12,058.00, June 2014 – December 2014. (Awarded)
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Water Questions: Development and Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Course on Water,” California State University WRPI Faculty Research Incentive Award funded by Water Resources and Policy Initiatives (WRPI), $13,512.00, January 2014 – May 2014. (Awarded)
- Supervisor, “Optimization of Regional and Local Stormwater Management Systems,” funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through Water Resources Institute (WRI), $4,500.00, January 2013 – December 2013. (Awarded)
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Water literacy,” California State University WRPI Faculty Research Incentive Award funded by Water Resources and Policy Initiatives (WRPI), $19,055.00, January 2013 – May 2013. (Awarded)
- Supervisor, “Comprehensive Strategy for Water Pollution Reduction,” funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through Water Resources Institute (WRI), $4,500.00, April 2013 – March 2014. (Awarded).
- Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Arizona # 47811, March 2008.
- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers, # 481039, October 2006.
- Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI).
Selected Refereed Journal Articles and Conference papers
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Saetern, S., Yang, M., Kao, S., and Smith, B. T. (2016). “Uncertainty Analysis in Geospatial Merit Matrix Based Hydropower Resource Assessment.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000654, 04016020.
Sherchan, S., Pasha, F., Weinman, B., Nelson, F. L., Sharma, F. C., Therkelsen, J., and Drexler. (2016). “Seven faculties in search of a mission: A proposed interdisciplinary course on water literacy.” Journal of Applied Environmental Education & Communication. Vol 15 (2), pp 171-183.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yang, M., Yeasmin, D., Saetern, S., Kao, S., and Smith, B. T. (2016). “Identifying High Power–Density Stream Reaches through Refined Geospatial Resolution in Hydropower Resource Assessment.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000599, 06016001.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Yang, M., Rowan, L., and Smith, B. T. (2016). “Multi-Objective Functions to Identify High Power Density Stream Reaches in Hydropower Resource Assessment.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. Ms. No. WRENG‐2799. (Submitted, under review).
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Kamuni, S. (2016). “Simple Data-Driven Model for Assessing the Impacts of Drought on Agricultural Water and Energy Uses - Case Study.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. Ms. No. WRENG‐2347. (Submitted, under review).
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., and Rentch, J. (2015). “Dam-lake Operation to Optimize Fish Habitat.” Journal of Environmental Process. Vol. 2, No. 4, pp 631-645.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Hadjerioua, B., Wei, Y., Kao, S., and Smith, B. T. (2014). “Stream-reach Identification for New Run-of-River Hydropower Development through a Merit Matrix–Based Geospatial Algorithm.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 140(8), 04014016.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. (2014). “The Use of Warm Solutions for Real-Time Pump Scheduling for Water Distribution Systems.” Journal of Water Resources Management 28(12), pp 3975-3987.
Maier H.R., Kapelan Z., Kasprzyk J., Kollat J., Matott L.S., Cunha M.C., Dandy G.C., Gibbs M.S., Keedwell E., Marchi A., Ostfeld A., Savic D., Solomatine D.P., Vrugt J.A., Zecchin A.C., Minsker B.S., Barbour E.J., Kuczera G., Pasha F., Castelletti A., Giuliani M. and Reed P.M. (2014) Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions, Environmental Modelling and Software, 62, 271-299, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.09.013.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Effect of Data Collection on the Estimation of Wall Reaction Coefficients for Water Distribution Models.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, Vol. 138 No. 6 (2012) 614 -623.
Pasha, M. F. K. and J. Rentch. (2016). “Identifiability Analysis of Water Quality Parameter in Water Distribution Systems under Different Field Conditions.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. (manuscript is ready and to be submitted in October, 2016).
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Landon, R., Kao, S-C., and Smith, B. (2016). “Merit Matrix based Geospatial Diversion Model for Hydropower Resource Assessment.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. (manuscript is ready and to be October in September, 2016).
Pasha, M. F. K., Rentch, J. W., and Shiva, M. K. (2016). “Effect of Water Distribution System Configuration on Model Prediction Uncertainty.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. (manuscript is ready and to be submitted in October, 2016).
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Kamuni, S., Landon, R., Kao, S-C., and Smith, B. (2016). “Regression Equations and Correction Factors to Estimate Regional Hydropower Potential.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. (manuscript is ready and to be submitted in October, 2016).
Pasha, M. F. K. “Water Quality Parameter Estimation for Water Distribution Systems under Uncertainty.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, (manuscript is under preparation).
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. (2010). “Effect of Parameter Uncertainty on Water Quality Predictions in Distribution Systems – Case Study.” Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 12 No. 1 (2010) 1-21.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. (2009). “Water Quality Parameter Estimation for Water Distribution Systems.” Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, Vol. 26 No. 3 (2009) 231-248(18).
Kang, D. S., Pasha, M. F. K., and Lansey, K. (2009). “Approximate Methods for Uncertainty Analysis of Water Distribution Systems.” Journal of Urban Water, Vol. 6 No. 3 (2009) 233-249(17).
Lansey, K., Pasha, F., Pool, S., Elshorbagy, W., and Uber, J. (2007). “Locating Satellite Booster Disinfectant Stations.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, Vol. 133 No. 4 (2007) 372-376.
Eusuff, M., Lansey, K., and Pasha, F. (2006). “Shuffled Frog-Leaping Algorithm: A Memetic Meta-Heuristic for Discrete Optimization”. Journal of Engineering Optimization, Vol. 38 No. 2 (2006) 129-154.
Pasha, M. F. K., Nishat, A. and Rahman, M. (2005) “Chaos in the Ganges Runoff.” Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), Vol. 33 No. 1 (2005) 1-7.
Liong, S. Y., Phoon, K. K., Pasha, M. F. K., and Doan, C. D. (2005). “Efficient Implementation of Inverse Approach for Forecasting Hydrological Time Series Using Micro GA.” Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 7 No. 3 (2005) 151-163.
Sivapragasam, C., Liong, S. Y., and Pasha, M. F. K. (2002) “Reply to Discussion on ‘Rainfall and Runoff Forecasting with SSA-SVM Approach.” Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 4 No. 3 (2002) 141-152.
Sivapragasam, C., Liong, S. Y., and Pasha, M. F. K. (2001). “Rainfall and Runoff Forecasting with SSA-SVM Approach.” Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 3 No. 3 (2001) 141-152.
Pasha, M. F. K., Rentch, J., and Shiva, M. K. “Effect of Water Distribution System Configuration on Nodal Pressure, Water Quality, and Pumping Energy Uncertainties.” World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, ASCE, May 2016, West Palm Beach, FL.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., and Kamuni, S. “Assessment of Drought Impacts on Agricultural Water and Energy Uses in Central Valley of California.” World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, ASCE, May 2016, West Palm Beach, FL.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Kamuni, S., Landon, R., Kao, S-C., and Smith, B. “Development of Regression Equations to Estimate Hydropower Potential.” HydroVision International, July 2016, Minneapolis, MN. USA.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Landon, R., Kao, S-C., and Smith, B. “Development of a Geospatial Diversion Model for Hydropower Resource Assessment.” HydroVision International, July 2015, Portland, OR, USA.
Pasha, M. F. K. and J. Rentch “Data Collection for the Identifiability Analysis of Wall Decay Coefficients in Water Distribution Water Quality Model.” World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, ASCE, May 2015, Austin, TX.
Pasha, M. F. K., and Skobrak, J. “Agricultural Management Practices and Nitrate Concentration in Tile Drainage – Case Study.” World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, ASCE, May 2015, Austin, TX.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yang, M., Yeasmin, D., Amin, F., Kao, S-C., and Smith, B. “Sensitivity of Spatial Resolution in Hydropower Resource Assessment” HydroVision International, July 2014, Nashville, TN, USA.
Pasha, F., Weinman, B. Nelson, F. L., and Sharma, F. C. “Five faculty in search of a mission: The dynamics of interdisciplinary course development.” Paper accepted for roundtable session at the 19th Annual Conference of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Louisville, Kentucky, 2013, October.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., Saetern, S., and Yang, M. “Uncertainty Analysis in Hydropower Resource Assessment.” HydroVision International, July 2013, Denver, CO, USA.
Pasha, M. F. K., Saetern, S., Yeasmin, D., and Yang, M. “Effect of Stream Network Discretization Resolution in Hydropower Resource Assessment.” HydroVision International, July 2013, Denver, CO, USA.
Pasha, M. F. K. “Identifiability Analysis of Wall Decay Coefficients in Water Distribution Water Quality Model.” World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, ASCE, May, 2013, Cincinnati, OH.
Pasha, M. F. K., Hadjerioua, B., Stewart, K., Bender, M. D., and Schneider, M. L. “Prediction of Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) at Hydropower Dams throughout the Columbia River Basin (CRB) – Challenges and Proposed Methodology.” HydroVision International, July 17-20, 2012, Louisville, KY, USA.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Effect of parameter uncertainty on water distribution systems model prediction.” ASCE - World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May, 2011.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Strategies for Real Time Pump Operation for Water Distribution Systems.” Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference (WDSA 2010), September 12-15, 2010, Tucson, AZ.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Water Quality Parameter Estimation for Water Distribution Systems Considering Parameter and Measurement Uncertainties.” ASCE - World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May, 2010.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “WDS Water Quality Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty.” ASCE - World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May, 2009.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Optimal Pump Scheduling by Linear Programming.” ASCE - World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May, 2009.
Yeasmin, D. and Pasha, M. F. K. “Runoff Prediction by GIS Using Optimal Number of Rain Gauges.” ASCE - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 12-16, 2008.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Calibration Model for Identifying Water Quality Parameters for Water Distribution Systems.” The Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, IAHR, December 2-4, 2007.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., and Paton, B. M. “Analysis of Parameter Sensitivity on Peak Design Flow in the Context of Urban Development.” The Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, IAHR, December 2-4, 2007.
Kang, D. S., Pasha, M. F. K., Lansey, K., “Approximate Methods for Analyzing Water Quality Prediction Uncertainty in Water Distribution Systems.” ASCE - World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 15-19, 2007.
Lansey, K. and Pasha, F. “Estimating Wall Decay Coefficient in a Water Quality Model.” Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium (WDSA 2006), August 27-30, 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Analysis of Parameter Uncertainty on Water Quality in Distribution Systems: Unsteady Conditions.” CCWI Conference, Exeter, UK, Sep, 2005.
Pasha, M. F. K. and Lansey, K. “Analysis of Uncertainty on Water Distribution Hydraulics and Water Quality.” ASCE - World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May, 2005.
Liong, S.Y., Phoon, K. K., Pasha, M. F. K., and Doan, C. D. “A Robust and Efficient Scheme in Search for Optimal Prediction Parameters Set in Chaotic Time Series.” First Asia-Pacific DHI Software Conference, Bangkok, Jun 17-18 2002 (Keynote paper).
Nishat, A. and Pasha, M. F. K. “A Review of the Ganges Treaty of 1996.” First International Specialty Conference on Globalization and Water Management, 2001 AWRA-University of Dundee, August 5-8, 2001, Dundee, Scotland.
Liong, S. Y., Pasha, M. F. K., Doan, D. C., Kwang, P. K., and Young, L. C. “Determination of Optimal and Stable Prediction Parameters Values in Chaotic Time Series.” ASCE - World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 20 - 24, 2001.
Rahman, M. M., Khan, S., and Pasha, M. F. K. “Simple Approach for Flood Forecasting.” Building Partnerships: Proceedings of the 2000 Joint Conference on Water Resource Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management, Minneapolis, July 30 - August 2, 2000.
Selected Reports
Vasquez, B., Jimenez, M., Obando, V., and Pasha, M. F. K. “Development and Validation of a Water Balance Model for Smart Irrigation”. Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) Research, September, 2016.
Zelezny, L., Fu, X., Harootunian, G., Drexler, D., Avalos, A., Chowdhury, N., Pasha, F., Sherchan, S., Therkelsen, J., Wang, C., Zoldoske, D., Green, S., Edmonson, C. (2015). Impact of the Drought in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Retrieved from Lynnette Zelezny, Principal Investigator (PI) and Xuanning Fu Co PI and Project Director, May 2015.
Jurancco Liao and Pasha, M. F. K. “Development of a Mass Balance Model for On-Firm Drainage Management”. Internship Report submitted to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through Water Resources Institute (WRI) in June, 2015.
Pasha, M. F. K., Yeasmin, D., and Zoldoske, D. “Biological Wastewater Treatment for Food Processing Industry.” Research Report submitted to Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Company, ET Project Number: ET 14PGE1511, December, 2014.
Kao, S.-C., R. A. McManamay, K. M. Stewart, N. M. Samu, B. Hadjerioua, S. T. DeNeale, D. Yeasmin, M. F. K. Pasha, A. A. Oubeidillah, and B. T. Smith (2014). “New Stream-reach Development: A Comprehensive Assessment of Hydropower Energy Potential in the United States.” GPO DOE/EE-1063, Wind and Water Power Program, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, April, 2014.
Pasha, M. F. K. “Master Drainage Study for Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension (KARE) Facility.” Research Report Prepared for Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension (KARE), University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, November, 2014.
Lee, I. and Pasha, M. F. K., “Optimization of Regional and Local Stormwater Management Systems,” Internship Report to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through Water Resources Institute (WRI), January 2014.
Hadjerioua, B., S.-C. Kao, R.A. McManamay, M. F. K. Pasha, D. Yeasmin, A.A. Oubeidillah, N.M. Samu, K.M. Stewart, M.S. Bevelhimer, S.L. Hetrick, Y. Wei, B.T. Smith (2013), “An Assessment of Energy Potential from New Stream-reach Development in the United States: Initial Report on Methodology”, Technical Manual 2012/298, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
Hadjerioua, B., Pasha, M. F. K., Stewart, K., Bender, M. D., Schneider, M. L., and Smith, B. T. “Prediction of Total Dissolved Gas Exchange at Hydropower Dams.” Prepared for the U.S. department of Energy, Industrial Technologies Program. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August, 2011.
My research focuses on hydrosystem analysis including sustainable design, management, and operation in integrated water resources management using statistical methods, numerical techniques, optimization theories, geospatial processing (GIS), and machine learning approaches. A broad range of application area includes: energy and water efficiency in urban and agriculture infrastructures, hydropower resource assessment, water distribution hydraulics and water quality modeling, ground water modeling, and ecosystem restoration.
Fall 2016 Office Hours:
Tuesday: 11:30am–2:30pm
Thursday: 3:00-5:00pm