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Civil Engineering

Lubo LiuLubo Liu
Ph.D., P.E.


Office: Engineering East 168 

Phone: 559.278.5634

Mailing Address: 2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

More Information about Dr. Liu:

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Urban Stormwater Management Design
  • Engineering Hydrology
  • Hydraulics in Civil Engineering
  • Hydrology
  • Transport and Fate of Contaminant

  • Reviewed proposal for the New York Sea Grant
  • Reviewed conference proceedings for AGU
  • Reviewed journal paper for ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering
  • Reviewed journal paper for Chemosphere
  • Reviewed journal paper for Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science

  • Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
  • M.S., Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Tsignhua University, Beijing, P.R. China
  • B.S., Hydraulic Engineering, Tsignhua University, Beijing, P.R. China

  • Hydrology Associate, CIMIC/MERI (Center for Information Management, Integration and Connectivity, Rutgers University)/(Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute, New Jersey Meadowlands Commission)

  • American Water Resources Association (AWRA)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF)
  • Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professor (AEESP)
  • Marine Technology Society (MTS)

Journal Papers Published
Eric Escobar and Lubo Liu, 2014,“Investigation of Interaction between Surface and Groundwater of Ball Ranch in the Upper San Joaquin River Watershed”, Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering Vol 3 (1), pp 1-11.

Elizabeth Martinez and Lubo Liu, 2014, “Investigation of the Migration of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds in Groundwater under an Unlined Landfill”, Energy and Environmental Engineering Volume. 2 (2), pp 55-66.

Kristen Pineda and Lubo Liu, 2013,“Arsenic in Drinking Water Supply Wells: A geographical and Statistical Investigation of the Southern San Joaquin Valley”, International Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 2 (6), pp 121-132.

Lubo Liu and Joaquin Ramirez, 2013, “Hydrodynamic Investigation of Spring Chinook Salmon Habitat in the San Joaquin River Using a Two-dimensional Depth-Averaged Model”, International Journal of Water Sciences, Vol. 2 (5), pp 1-15.

Lubo Liu, Xudong Fu, and Guangqian Wang, 2013,“Parametric Study of Fate and Transport Model of E. coli in the Nearshore Region of Southern Lake Michigan”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000745.

Lubo Liu, Xudong Fu, and Guangqian Wang, (2013), “Simulation of Wind-driven Circulation and Temperature in the Near-shore Region of Southern Lake Michigan by Using a Channelized Model”, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 25 (1): 97-111.

Lubo Liu, Benjamin Baker, Joseph R. V. Flora, (2008), “Kinetics of Acidic Macrocapsules in Controlling the pH of Groundwater”, Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 25 (9), pp 1345-1356.

Lubo Liu, Mantha S. Phanikumar, Stephanie L. Molloy, Richard L. Whitman, Dawn A. Shively, Meredith B. Nevers, David J. Schwab, and Joan B. Rose (2006), "Modeling the Transport and Inactivation of E. coli and Enterococci in the Near-Shore Region of Lake Michigan", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 40 (16), pp 5022-5028.

Lubo Liu, Joseph R.V. Flora, and C. Marjorie Aelion (2004), “Theoretical Analysis of the Influence of Process Parameters on the Use of an Encapsulated Phosphate Buffer to Control pH in a Soil Column”, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Vol. A39 (1), pp 35 - 59.

Ramesh K. Goel, Lubo Liu, Joseph R. V. Flora, Michael E. Meadows, and Walter G. Irwin (2003), “Modeling and Comparison of Electrolytic Aeration and ORC® Aeration of Anoxic Groundwater in a Simulated Laboratory Aquifer”, Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 20 (6), pp 677 – 691.

Lubo Liu, Christine M. Rust, Joseph R.V. Flora, and C. Marjorie Aelion (2002), “Mathematical Modeling of Encapsulated Buffer Performance in Sand Columns”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 128 (12), pp 1128-1138.

Lubo Liu, Wang G.Q, and Ran Qihua (1998), “Numerical Simulation of River Flow During Cut-off Procedure of Three Gorges Project on Yantze River”, Journal of Sediment Research, No.3. pp 48-54.

Wang, G.Q, Ran Qihua, and Lubo Liu (1998),”Computer Simulation of Evolution of Wind-blown Ripples”, Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 3, pp 1-6.

Wang, G.Q, Hougui Zhou, and Lubo Liu (1997), ”Stability Analysis of Cofferdam Slump and Its Application in the Cutoff of Three Gorges Project.” International Journal of Sediment Research, vol. 12 (3), pp 139-154.

Published Abstracts
Lubo Liu and Joaquin Ramirez, “Modeling Investigation of Spring Chinook Salmon Habitat in San Joaquin River Restoration Program", (Control ID 1813322) 2013 AGU Fall Meeting, the Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California, 9-13 December 2013. (accepted)

David Halopoff and Lubo Liu, “Nitrate Fate and Transport in a Large Soil and Groundwater-Modeling Tank”,Abstract of the meeting of the Cordilleran Section, The Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Volume 45, No.6, Fresno, California, 20-22 May 2013.

Jong Hang and Lubo Liu,Efficiency of Soil Vapor Extraction as a Groundwater Remediation Tool for Oil Refineries in the Central Valley of California”,

Abstract of the meeting of the Cordilleran Section, The Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Volume 45, No.6, Fresno, California, 20-22 May 2013.

Rameshwor Kaphle and Lubo Liu,Estimating Shear Stress of Stream Bed Using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters”, Abstract of the meeting of the Cordilleran Section, The Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Volume 45, No.6, Fresno, California, 20-22 May 2013.

Joaquin Ramirez and Lubo Liu, “Modeling flow path alterations of San Joaquin River Restoration Project”, Abstract of the meeting of the Cordilleran Section, The Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Volume 45, No.6, Fresno, California, 20-22 May 2013.

Lubo Liu and Xudong Fu, A Quick Response Forecasting Model of Pathogen Transport and Inactivation in Near-shore Regions, Abstract H51D-1237, presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec (2011).

Lubo Liu, Xudong  Fu and Guangqian Wang, Theoretical Analysis of the Influence of Process Parameters on Pathogen Transport and Fate in a Recreational Beach,Abstract H53F-1110, presented  at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec (2010).

Lubo Liu, Xudong Fu and Guangqian Wang, Modeling the Transport and Fate of Fecal Pollution and Nutrients of Miyun Reservoir, Abstract H11E-0888, 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec, San Francisco, California (2009).

Conference Proceedings
L. Liu, X. Fu and G. Wang, Transport and Fate of Waterborne Bacterial Pathogens in a Fresh Surface Water System, Conference Proceeding, 2011International Conference on Drinking Water Safety, Security and Sustainability, Hangzhou, China (2011).

C.P. Shen, L. Liu, M. S. Phanikumar, S.Singh, and J.B. Rose, Hydrological model of the Fate and Transport of Pathogens in the Grand River, Michigan Watershed, IAGLR 2006 Great Lakes in a Changing Environment, Windsor, Ontario (2006)

L. Liu, S.L. Molloy, M.S. Phanikumar and J.B. Rose, Modeling the Fate and Transport of Fecal contaminants in near-shore area of the Trial Creek, Southern Lake Michigan, State of Lake Michigan 2005/Great Lakes Beach Association 5th Annual Meeting, Green Bay, Wisconsin (2005)

Joan Rose, Stephanie Molloy, Lubo Liu, Mantha Phanikumar, Tracie Jenkins, Mark Wong, Richard Whitman, Dawn Shively, and Meredith Nevers, Waterborne Viruses and Human Sewage on Lake Michigan Beaches, Lake Michigan: State of the Lake 4th Biennial Conference Great Lakes Beach Association 5th Annual Meeting. November 2-3, 2005 KI Convention Center and Regency Suites Green Bay, Wisconsin (2005).

J.B. Rose, S.L. Molloy, L. Liu, T.M. Jenkins, M. Wong, T.T. Fong, R.L. Whitman, D.A. Shively, M.B. Nevers, and M.S. Phanikumar, Characterization of Fecal Pollution and Human Health Risks in the Waters of the Great Lakes, Estuarine Interactions: Biological-Physical Feedbacks and Adaptations,Estuarine Research Federation (ERF 2005) Conference, Norfolk, Virginia (2005)

S.L. Molloy, L. Liu, M.S. Phanikumar, T.M. Jenkins, M. Wong, R.L. Whitman, D.A. Shively, M.B. Nevers, and J.B. Rose, The Presence and Near-Shore Transport of Human Fecal Pollution in Lake Michigan Beaches, Marine Technology Society (MTS) and IEEE Oceans 2005 Conference, Washington, D.C. (2005)

J.R.V. Flora, C.M. Aelion, B. Baker, L. Liu, D. Wybenga, Manufacture and Testing of Macroencapsulated Buffers for pH Control, The First International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, New Orleans, Louisiana (2005).

Vijay Atluri, Kirk Barrett, Francisco Artigas, Soon Chun, Lubo Liu, Secure Agency Interoperation for Effective Data Mining in Border Control and Homeland Security Applications, State of New Jersey Symposium on Homeland Security Research, October 29, 2003, Busch Campus Center, Rutgers University

Vijay Atluri, Kirk Barrett, Francisco Artigas, Soon Chun, Lubo Liu, End to End Early Warning Decision Support System for Dinking Water Safety and Security, State of New Jersey Symposium on Homeland Security Research, October 29, 2003, Busch Campus Center, Rutgers University

Vijay Atluri, Kirk Barrett, Francisco Artigas, Soon Chun, Lubo Liu, Interconnected Municipal Information for Home Land Security, State of New Jersey Symposium on Homeland Security Research October 29, 2003, Busch Campus Center, Rutgers University

R.K. Goel, Lubo Liu, Joseph R.V. Flora and Michael E. Meadows, October 2002, “Electrolytic Aeration of Anoxic Groundwater- A Lab Scale Study and Modeling of the Process”, the Annual International Conference on Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water. 

Lubo Liu, Joseph R.V. Flora and C. Marjorie Aelion, “Sensitivity Analysis of Encapsulated Buffer Performance in Soil Column”, proceedings of a special joint conference of Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), Environmental & Water Resources Institute of ASCE (EWRI), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources (CEIWR), and National Ground Water Association (NGWA), pp 25-32, July 2002.

Lubo Liu and Joseph R.V. Flora, November 2000, “Modeling the Zone of Influence of Delivery Wells with the Electrolytic Cells Used to Enhance Remediation”, The second annual South Carolina Water and Environment Symposium, pp 45-46.

Wang, G.Q, Ran Qihua, Liu Lubo, 1999, “Computer Simulation of Evolution of wind-blown ripples”, River Sedimentation-theory and Applications, Proceedings of the seventh international symposium of river sedimentation/Hong Kong/China16-18 December 1998, Edited by Jayawardena, A.W., Lee, J.H.W., Wang, Z.Y., Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 034 5.

  • Water Resources/Environmental Engineering/Hydraulic Engineering/Coastal Engineering. My particular research interests include reactive transport and fate of contaminants in surface water and groundwater, environmental process modeling, environmental and geophysical fluid dynamics including limn logical and riverine hydrodynamics, bioremediation, subsurface characterization. The focus of my current research is on understanding near-shore processes and the transport of pathogens in the environment. I am particularly interested in integrating laboratory and field-scale observations with high resolution numerical modeling to explore the relevant processes and parameters. I am also developing improved methods for reactive transport modeling as well as models for surface water – groundwater interactions. My research is multi-disciplinary in nature and often involves interactions with microbiologists, geographers, chemists and mathematicians.