Civil Engineering
Classroom Safety Plan
Classroom Safety Plan
Below is the safety plan to be followed in classrooms EE108, EE188, EE190, EW111, and AGM102.
Classroom Behavior
- Do not engage in horseplay or unsafe activities
- Always report injuries (even if slight) to Instructor or Lab Technician
- Always have someone accompany injured individuals to the Health Center
Classroom Facilities
- Locate and read Cal/OSHA "Safety and Health Protection on the Job"
- Locate and read emergency egress plans for Room/Building (Evacuation Routes)
- Determine the location of room exits (Marked and Illuminated) and Fire Alarm Pull Boxes
- Locate First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher, Telephone (Emergency numbers posted)
- Keep room clean of clutter and debris with unobstructed exits
- Determine the location and operation of Emergency Shut Offs
- Shelves, file cabinets, bookcases, and furniture more than five feet tall shall be adequately secured to prevent tipping or falling
- Make sure that work areas are properly ventilated, illuminated, and free of debris and hazards
- Storage areas shall be kept well organized, orderly, and sanitary
- Work surfaces and floors must be kept dry and slip resistant
Emergency Plan
The person responsible for our department's Emergency Plan is Jesus Larralde, EE178A, (559)278-2566.
In the event of an emergency you should proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly manner. The assembly area for our department is the lawn area of the North Gym Annex. For minor emergencies assemble in the lawn area North of Engineering West, next to Parking Lot M.
In case of fire, the following procedures should be followed:
Leave the building quickly. Do not try to fight the fire yourself. If someone is trapped, use a fire extinguisher or hose to provide an escape path ONLY if you know how to use such equipment and can do safely.Call 911 from a CAMPUS PHONE in an adjacent building (if you call from a cell phone the call WILL NOT be answered by Campus Police).Report to your designated assembly area and await instructions from your supervisor or emergency personnel.
In case of bomb threat, etc:
- Leave the building quickly and proceed to the designated assembly area.
- Follow the directions of your supervisor or emergency personnel.
In the event of a medical emergency:
- Call 911 on a CAMPUS PHONE.
- Render assistance to the victim if you know how; otherwise call out for assistance from others that might be in the area.
Disaster Procedures:
- Flood - Seek higher ground.
- Fire - Evacuate the building or area.
- Earthquake - Get away from buildings.